23 September : Invitation to a Gathering @ The Tryst
Join us at Trossachs Tryst for a day of connection to self, others and nature.
.We are looking forward to welcoming you to this second gathering focussing on connection, community and well-being.
Arrival is from 9.30am for a 10am start and completing by 4pm. You can come for some or all of it.
9.30 – Refreshments
10.00 – Sharing approaches to personal and communal well-being
11.00 – Refreshments
11.30 – Heart Circle
12.45 Lunch + Networking + Tryst Tour
14.00 – Open Space – for walking, or for offering an 30 min activity to the group such as yoga, meditation, singing, Tai Chi, chanting, poetry reading, swimming in the loch…
15.30 – Closing circle + Refreshments
Donations are welcomed for the Trossachs Tryst Retreat Fund.
16 spaces are offered on a first come basis and you can reserve your place by clicking the button below.